Tag Archives: employers

The 5 Important Facts that Your Boss Will Never Tell You

watchfulBosses give us the chance to earn our living and to develop better skills for the future. They will tell you what to do, how to do it right, when to do it to beat the deadlines and what you deserve for your contribution. They will give you promises and shower you with warnings. For all those, they are happy to tell you.

However, there are things that they will not tell you because it is not in their best interest to tell you; for fear you might wake up and begin smelling the coffee. Let me share with you some 5 important things that you need to know that your boss won’t tell you.

1. You need a break

Even if you were a machine, you would need a break. Manufacturers will give how much work a machine should be subjected to before being given a break and serviced before the next work.

You are not a machine so you need rest. If you damage or over spend some of your body organs, there is no factory for human spare parts. Sometimes we are tempted to overwork and work extra time for extra pay. Only to realize our health has broken down.

My question to you is: why loose life trying to gather money and then later you spend all your money trying to mend your health? You should be able to measure a day’s work; don’t try to do a week’s work in one day. You won’t finish all the work in the world in one week. Work is and will always be work.

2. Your family should come first

Yeah. Family leads the way. You got the job to earn so you can be more helpful to those you care about. Your family has no substitute (please don’t make me say that you can find another job).

All work conditions that drive you away from the good of your family are injurious to your happiness and true success. Conditions at work that make you neglect your family or shorten your life so you can die before your time are not good for you.Don’t build with one hand tear with the other.

I don’t remember anyone grunting on their death bed, “I wish I had put in more hours at work. What will my boss do without me?” of course, without you, your boss will hire somebody else but without your family, you will be one huge bundle of misery.

3. You can do much better than you do

You feel and believe you are special. Why doubt that. Indeed you are. That is why you were hired in the first place. Or that is why you have kept your job to this day. You are more helpful and can accomplish much more than your boss currently let you (know).

They are afraid that if you are told your full value, you might grow wings and literary fly. I mean fly – fly far away – away from their job, demands and authority. Or if you don’t fly, they fear you might shine. As in you might shine bright to a point that you could outshine them and end up stealing their thunder.

Now you know why your boss won’t give you lots of praises even when you think you deserve them.

4. Decisions based on money only suck

True, numbers count but not everything that counts can be counted. I know the value of money have been ranked way up there with oxygen and gravity. But take a moment and think about other factors that are valuable to you beyond money.

Money is very important in matters of life or for things that money can buy but utterly uncalled for in areas of life where money doesn’t have the right of way. In most cases, money is a big issue for most people who don’t have it while for those with a lot of it, other things are given their day in the sun.

5. You have a choice

Yes, it is up to you. You have a choice to go to work or to stay at home. You have the choice to determine how long you will work for them, you can choose to renew the contract or merely run it out.

And if your job has no contract, you can decide to work for one more week, month, and year or even one more hour and you flash the red card. It is up to you. You don’t have to if you won’t. You don’t have to be a helpless slave; you can choose to be helpful partner in your job.

And I almost forgot to add; you can as well choose to be a slave to your boss and work.


If these things are truly important to you but your boss won’t tell you, maybe it is time to begin acting like you know and believe in them already. If you can make a tough call, you could take the self given honor to share them with your boss. But above all else, if you ever become a boss to someone else, please be the good boss who share these.

What else do you think would be important if bosses told their employees?

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Posted by on December 17, 2014 in career, Personal Development


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