Daily Archives: October 17, 2013

Weekly Writing Challenge: Living History

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Posted by on October 17, 2013 in Uncategorized


The Power of Being Unique

One life aim can be achieved through different means. However, most people were made to believe that for one to achieve a particular goal, they necessarily have to exactly go through similar and identical circumstances like those who achieved it before. This assumption limits you a lot.

It makes you believe that life is static and possibilities only exist for a limited few individuals who are better than you, who are not you, who have not suffered like you, who have a different race, color, size, religion, accent, etc. This belief is largely pagan in nature. It limits your appreciation of what you are and constantly reminds you that you are not good enough – just because you are not like the rest.

All this is (a result of) a bunch of lies. Research in human achievement has often revealed that people who excel in a similar field are usually distinct from each other. Each one of the success stories is usually different and encounters different experiences identical to the others yet he or she still makes it to the top.

Variety is in essence the true tone of life. Life would be much uninspired and plain if every person was identical to the other; when every plant, animal, bird or fly was exactly identical to the rest; when the human race was the same size, gender, color, personality, interests and when all other great aspects that define our uniqueness were blurred. Who would choose a world, a life or arrangement?

Contrary to popular opinion, uniqueness has always, is and will always be a mark of strength. Why subscribe to a belief that only makes you feel sorry for being you? Why keep denying your natural heritage? Wishing to be another person is wasting the person you already are. The worst belief that can ever enter a person is carrying a deep conviction that they are not valuable the way they are. No. You are valuable the way you are. Your difference is and should always be your competitive advance in business and in life. Show me two equally successful people and I will show you how worlds apart their differences are. Show me two successful companies and I will show you their differences.

Think about it; the world’s best executives, players, singers, leaders, preachers, teachers, fighters, etc. Have different styles, experiences, beauties, cultures, religions, etc. This is true for every human ambition. Nothing can ever stand in the way of a determined person except his attitude and belief.

Remember; Our great strength lies in what we are; Our great weakness lies in pretending to be what we are not.

Let us there always strive to be the best we could possibly be in the different shades of life that we each occupy. As a cardinal rule, you draw admiration to your uniqueness by using it to attain worthy ends.

Well, what do you think about the notion that the differences between people are a major hindrance rather than an enhancement for maximum living and incredible performance?

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Posted by on October 17, 2013 in Uncategorized


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